I'm compiling ideas for a "Visitors' Bill of Rights" and I'd love your

I believe museum, zoo and aquarium visitors have certain basic rights.
For instance, museum visitors have a right:
-to a safe, secure environment
-to feel welcomed
-to feel accepted and respected for who they are
-to clear communication
-to respond or talk back
-to interact socially with their family or friends
...and so on.

What do you think visitors have a right to expect?
(If you like categories, think about five kinds of access: physical,
intellectual, emotional, social and cultural. If you don't, just tell me
what 5-10 items you'd include on a Visitors' Bill of Rights. )

If you can, tell me why you believe each idea should be included: did you
do an evaluation or have experiences with visitors that convinced you?
(I'll be sharing the Bill-in-Progress at the Visitor Studies Association
conference Aug. 27, and I know they'll be eager to know that.)

Respond offline please, to [log in to unmask]

Thanks much; I'll post results to the list when I'm done!