In message <v01530505ae1ef03265a9@[]>, Hans
<[log in to unmask]> writes
>Hi All!
>Sorry for the wasted bandwidth but a friend of mine needs to know the
>exchange rates US to British.  She is looking at grad schools in the UK
>(namely Southerbys (sp?))
>BTW What is everyone's vote for Art History/Museum Studies/Collections and
>Conservation Grad program out there?
>Mail me off-list with the answer guys and gals!
>"Strap yourselves in.
>This flight's gonna suck and we don't serve peanuts."
> - Lt. Cooper Hawkes   "...Tell Our Moms We Done Our Best"
>                        Space: Above and Beyond
>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>Hans Hinners    [log in to unmask]
>California Museum of Science and Industry
>Los Angeles, Exposition Park
>(No, we don't have any dinosaurs. - Ha, laugh it's a joke.)
>(213) 744 - 2504    (213) 744 - 2034 FAX

Usually 1 pound is worth about $1.59.

Email me directly (your email address disappears in museum-l and it isnt
on your sig file) and I will mention some other courses in the UK that
might also be of interest. I will need to know some brief details:-
1  what your friend wants to do afterwards (be a curator, auctioneer,
exhibition organiser ...)
2  their education background - University/College course (eg History of
Art, Yale, First)
3  areas of interest (eg European Art, Archaeology etc)
4  how long they want to be in the UK

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