On Jun 18, 1996 10:20:00, 'Jean Lancaster Collier <[log in to unmask]>'

>Our art museum has had several recent requests to use our website
>or various pages in tutorial type CD-Rom's (for-profit).  Both firms
>which have contacted me have asked to use our images or html
>free of charge!
>Several colleagues around the state have had similar requests.  We
>all have fee schedules set up for permission to publish standard
>images for print and video.  We wonder how other museums are
>handling these requests (i.e. granting or denying permission for
>such CD-Rom's, and what fees are being charged for permission to

An upcoming issue of the journal VISUAL RESOURCES, published by the Visual
Resources Association, is devoted to questions of copyright and licensing
of images in museums, scholarly productions and visual resource
collections.  One paper in this issue, written by the head of a the visual
resources department of a national museum that has had considerable
experience with CD-ROM licensing discusses the economics of rights and fees
as it pertained to their experiences.  I will soon post the table of
contents for this issue.  Stay tuned.

Those interested in the licensing of CD-ROMs may refer to the following

Sample CD-ROM Licensing Agreements for Museums
MUSE Educational Media
1 East 53rd Street, 10th floor
New York, NY  10022-4201
Phone: (212) 688-8280
Fax: (212) 688-0409


Robert A. Baron
Guest Editor, Visual Resources: on copyright
Museum Computer Consultant
P.O. Box 93, Larchmont N.Y. 10538
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