Proposal Deadline: July 17, 1996

The Smithsonian Institution will host "Museums for the New
Millenium," September 5-7, 1996, a symposium for the museum
community in celebration of the 150th anniversary of the
Smithsonian.  A special feature of the symposium will be a
technology showcase demonstrating the latest advancements in
museum-related computer applications and connectivity.

We are now seeking proposals for participation in the technology
showcase. Participants in the showcase will demonstrate state of
the art computer applications and Iinternet functions which
underscore themes of the symposium:

*future directions of museums
*new roles for museum staff
*public expectations of museums

Participants are sought from the Smithsonian, the United States,
and the global museum community.  Selections will be based on
functional area, diversity of discipline, size of institution and
geographic representation.

The purpose of this technology showcase is to demonstrate
technological developments which allow museums to fulfill their
public service mission.  It is not an exhibition hall for
We are looking for museum-based projects that demonstrate cutting
edge, innovative software, cd-roms, web and Internet connectivity
projects which support the themes of the symposium.  We will also
consider museum collaborations and partnerships with schools,
libraries, archives and non-traditional partners.

Please submit your proposal, in the form of a letter (no more
than three pages) responding to the following:

1.  What is your project and how does it relates to themes of the

2.  We can provide workstations in the technology showcase.
Please explain what hardware/software requirements you have or if
you plan on bringing your own equipment.

3.  Some travel assistance is available to selected participants.
Please describe what your needs are.

4.  Include your name, title, institution, address, phone/fax
numbers and e-mail address.

Proposals will only be accepted from individuals affiliated with
museums and other cultural/educational organizations.

Send your proposal to:
Center for Museum Studies, MRC 427, Smithsonian Institution,
Washington, DC  20560
Fax:  202-357-3346
E-mail: [log in to unmask]

Deadline date for receipt of proposals at the Center for Museum
Studies is July 17, 1996.  Selections will be made July 24, 1996.

The Center for Museum Studies web site will soon contain the
symposium registration form, information on speakers, session
topics, lodging and other symposium news.  Visit the site at:

Bruce C. Craig              Internet:  [log in to unmask]
Center for Museum Studies   Smithsonian Institution
A&I 2235-MRC427             Washington, DC  20560
(202) 357-3148              FAX:(202) 357-3346