Dear Ms. Blatt, I apologize if this is out of context.  I missed the first
part of the email to which you were responding.  Your email caught my eye
though because R.A. in my field means "Registered Architect".  I have always
thought R.A. a rather meaningless title -- because people have no idea what
it means (they often think it means Nurse), not because it is easily come by.
 In fact it takes many years and much hard work to attain this title.
 Unfortunately, people in the states do not think a person is a registered
architect unless s/he uses the initials "A.I.A.".  The initials "A.I.A." can
be used only by registered architects, that much is true, but also only by
those registered architects who are paying members of the A.I.A, (i.e.,
American Institute of Architects). Not all architects choose to be members.
 For instance, I am a registered architect but have resisted joining the
A.I.A. because my perception is that membership has little benefit except the
use of the title. I do not use R.A. either since it carries no obvious,
particular weight. I expect that someday I may have to give in and join the

Mindy Lehrman Cameron, R.A.
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