Christine Mouw wrote:

> They have a little section on page 14 called "Naked City" and the
> title of one of the blurbs is "Patron of the Tarts, American Museums
> that Sound like Whorehouses."

Guess what, folks!  There really are museums dedicated to the "world's
oldest profession."  One in particular is in Cripple Creek, Colorado.
"The Old Homestead Parlour House" is located on Meyers avenue in downtown
Cripple Creek.  Meyers Avenue used to be the "heart" of the infamous "red
light" district of the town during the regions gold boom days.

The museum presents a wonderful and informative look at an aspect of
daily life that most people tend to forget, or at least want to ignore.
At this house, they do not hold anything back.  You can see the "viewing
rooms" were patrons came to "make their choice."  You learn that not only
was prostitution allowed by the city, but it was also LICENSED!  (Each
girl had to pay a periodic $1 tax.  This tax was paid to a local doctor
who issued her a certificate of health.)

Ms. Pearl DeVere, the madame for the Old Homestead Parlour House, was
considered to be one of the most influencial and most well liked citizens
in the town.  When she died on June 5, 1897, the entire town shutdown to
attend her funeral, complete with a parade down mainstreet!

The Old Homestead Parlour House museum should be congratulated for the
wonderful job they have done presenting this rather "touchy" subject.
(Pun intended!)  When you go to Cripple Creek, don't forget to go to the
whore house!  I did!

Jim McCrain
Chief Curator
Old City Park
Dallas, Texas
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