. I, too, am following this thread in the hopes that
>there are some sources that someone knows about. Zahava Deering (sp?) at SI
>is an expert in evaluations. Anybody know her personally to ask?
>- Adrienne
>  Adrienne DeArmas <[log in to unmask]>

I don't know her personally, but Zahava Doering is Director of the
Institutional Studies Office at the Smithsonian, and as you say, has
extensive experience in evaluation.

Other sources:  Beverly Serrell of Serrell and Associates out of Chicago has
also done some interesting work on labelling in particular.  I've seen her
here on Museum-L.....

And, as someone else mentioned, check out Falk and Dierking's "The Museum
Experience" as well as their new book, "Public Institutions for Personal
Learning:  Understanding the Long-term Impact of Museums" both available
from AAM.

Or better yet, come join us at a Visitor Studies Conference - the next one
is in Colorado in August.  Judy Rand, a consultant out of Seattle, is one of
the keynote speakers.  Judy has done extensive work on label writing.

I could name more.....but I'll spare the list.  I'd be happy to continue
this discussion off-list.

I don't have E-mail addresses for all of these people, but I do have all
their snail mail addresses - if anyone's interested, please contact me off-list.

Interesting thread!

Christina J. Simpson
Co-ordinator of Evaluation/Results Monitoring
Glenbow Museum
Calgary, AB  CANADA
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