In <[log in to unmask]> "Henry B. Crawford"
<[log in to unmask]> writes:
>One more (hopefully the last) word on this subject.  I wish I had a
>dollar (inflation) for every time one of my paid professional
>colleagues told me that theu would like to attend such-and-such
>conference, but they can't because their institution won't pay for it.
>Don't be so hard on students who say they can't afford to go.

Sure, I'd be a contributor to that one...  But let's be honest, it's
much more important to someone who doesn't have resume credits, a
portfolio of work, contacts in the field, and professional friends to
make those contacts to get a job.

Hey, those friends of yours ARE (one hopes) employed, especially if
they're bitching that their institution won't send them....  <G>

Mark Shanks