I don't know if these have been mentioned yet, but here are
          a few Bay Area ideas for museums that are small:

          California Historical Society just opened a new space South
          of Market.  It's pretty small.

          The Maritime Museum down on Fisherman's Wharf is smallish.
          My favorite part is the Hyde Street Pier, which has boats as
          a museum to go on.

          There are Precita Mural Arts tours of the murals in the
          Mission District.

          The San Francisco Public Library gives free walking tours
          every day of the city, so that the city itself becomes kind
          of like a living museum.

          The Presidio has a small interpretive center.

          Across the Golden Gate Bridge, there is the Bay Model in
          Sausalito.  The model of the Bay, including accurate
          depictions of the tides, was built by the Army Corps of
          Engineers and basically fills a warehouse.

          Hope these ideas are useful. Although it's certainly not
          small, my favorite museum in the Bay Area is the California
          Academy of Sciences!!!  Even if you've already been there,
          it's great to go again and again.  There's a wonderful new
          exhibit on Bears.

          Kellyx Nelson
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