It is true, you CAN go to school, raise a family, fin d ajob, and
develop a satisfying career if you want to.  We all went (are going)
to school for a reason.  We WANT a change in our lives.

I wnet back to school, had two children, dog, cat, fish.  Racked up
Lotsof student loan bills so we could survive while I was in school.
(Funny how those part time jobs and scholarships keep you from
qualifying for public assistance!  No worry, met lots of great people
while working lots of part-time jobs)  But there were no vacations,
movies on the VCR instead of in the theatre, and sacrifices that we
all aggreed upon.

Then came grad school.  Great!  Was offered an assistanship (almost
covered tuition and books).  But was also offered an opportunity--to
make a difference in my life.  Internships.  Local museums that were
crying for help (couldn't pay, just could provide on the job training
and a great recommendation).  But it was the relationships that I made
during all those hours of working at local museums that paid off.

I met people who bcame my mentors.  People who wanted to see me
succeed as much as I wanted to, so they encouraged me to go to state,
regional, and national conferences.  They invited me to room with them
(yes, I paid my part).  But they also introduced me to other
professionals that I needed to know.  ( i will encourage you to stay
in the conference hotel--networking is so very important!)

And finally, don't be too proud to take a job.  My first museum job
after school was a half-time, $6/hr position at a museum where I had
done an internship.It was a position I created, proposed to the
director, and got a 6-month committment from him and the board of
directors.  I had shown them during my internship and subsequent
volunteering of time what I could do for them.  They liked what they
saw.  After the 6 months, I was hired on in a full time salaried
position, one I still hold.

Go for your dream.  Make it happen.  It will.  If you want more ideas,
write me off list.

Good luck.  (by the way, yes, I am still paying off large student loan
debt.  It was all worth it.  I have a career I love.)


Sharon Duane Koomler
Director of Education
Shaker Museum at South Union, KY
(502) 542-7734
e-mail [log in to unmask]

"The attainments of tomorrow are dependent on the efforts of today,
and are related to them as the blossom is to the bud,
and the fruit to the blossom."

                                  Eldress Catherine Allen, Mt. Lebanon