For some reason the lower case "A" is not happening.  So I shAll
respond with cApitAl As in the AppropriAte spAces.  WhAt A bummer!
The Museum of VictoriA in Melbourne, AustrAliA hAs been conducting a
good deAl of quAntitAtive And quAlitAtive reseArch to understAnd its
existing and potentiAl mArkets prepArAtory to opening A new $250
million museum in December 1999.

This has consisted on exit interviews, focus groups And telephone
polling.  I think it fair (the "a's back!)to say that at our existing
sites (Scienceworks and the city museum) the primary motivation for
joining a membership organisation is pricing discounts.  This is most
likely to be taken up by folks who are multiple users of the museum.
Casual users will need additional incentives.

We currently provide a 16-page quality quarterly magazine, a quarterly
program of events, shop discounts, special excursion opportunities with
curatorial staff, exhibition talks and other incentives.

The person to email in our organisation for details about structuring
focus groups and evaluating responses is Sarah George.  Her email address
is [log in to unmask]

On Sun, 9 Jun 1996, Paula Parrish wrote:

> If anyone on the list has any experience working with focus groups in a
> museum setting, please contact me.
> I work at the Ringling Museum of Art in Sarasota, FL. We wish to do a
> focus group to explore attitudes about the Museum, particularly in regard
> to why people join and why people don't join as members, and what kinds of
> member benefits intrigue them.
> We are seeking some guidance in formulating questions for the focus group
> members. If you can help, we would very much appreciate it.  Thanks :-)
> Paula Parrish or Jocelyn Stevens
> (e-mail:  [log in to unmask]
>           ---OR---
> general ringling address:  [log in to unmask]
> Address: 5401 Bay Shore Road
>          Sarasota, FL 34243
>          PH: 941-359-5714