At 06:32 AM 6/9/96 GMT, you wrote:
>I am looking for information about the opening of the London Museum of
>Natural History in South Kensington.  I believe this took place
>between 1881-1885.  Specifically, I would like to know the date of its
>"gala" opening if there was one, and any information on what took
>Zachary Lesser

This is the Natural History Museum, formerly known as British Museum
(Natural History). The official opening of its premises at South Kensington
took place on 23 April 1881. As far as I know the Trustees decreed that
there should be no formal opening ceremony.

See: Majorie Caygill, The Story of the British Museum (London 1981). And:
William T. Stearn, The Natural History Museum at South Kensington (London 1981).

Peter van Mensch
lecturer of theoretical museology and museum ethics
Reinwardt Academie
Amsterdam (Netherlands)
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