On Thu, 6 Jun 1996, Dennis C. Kois wrote:

> After calming down a bit from yesterday when I wrote a rather sarcastic
> response to Helen Glazer, Exhibition Director at Goucher College, I would
> like to apologize for personalizing my attack on her statements.
...> However, she certainly didn't include this info in her original
post, and
> given the high-handed phrasing she used I think my angry response was
> based on accurate assumptions. Her post implied she would not consider ANY
> unsolicited resume, period, simply because it was unsolicited; not because
> there were no positions.
> So again, I plead guilty to excessive use of sarcasm in making a point...
> but the point stands.

Your angry response was not based on accurate assumptions, as I have
already explained.  Perhaps before launching a personal attack on a stranger
and posting it to 1000 people it would be wise to ask for clarification.

Helen Glazer
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