>In Australia a kiosk is a "building in which refreshments are served in
>park, zoo, etc" (Oxford Dictionary). What do, a least a large proportion
>of, you mean by `kiosk'? I gather it has something to do with computers?
>Jennifer Nuske

Here in the States a kiosk is an information booth, usually staffed, but
some are not.  It's a place where notices and directional maps are posted,
brochures are made available, and questions are answered.  Visitors are
oriented to the museum or site from the kiosk.  Both of ours double as
guard stations.  In addition to greeting and orienting our visitors, our
guards monitor high security areas via closed-circut TV at the kiosks.


Henry B. Crawford        Curator of History
[log in to unmask]     Museum of Texas Tech University
806/742-2442           Box 43191
FAX 742-1136             Lubbock, TX  79409-3191
*********All opinions expressed are mine**********