On Wed, 26 Jun 1996, John Handley wrote:

>     The best anatomical models I have seen come from the following
>     source:
>     Anatomical Chart Co.
>     Anatomical Products Catalog
>     8221 Kimball Avenue
>     Skokie, IL 60076-2956
>     1-800-621-7500
>     They are plastic, not was (which hasn't been used to make
>     anatomical models for fifty years).  These models are wonderful,
>     but expensive.
>                      Hope this helps.
>                      John Handley
John, I totally agree with this source as it is quite excellent but I don
not find them to be too expensive considering real models are next to
impossible to find.  These are very sturdy products and they will
definately last for tears to come.  (And lest we forget their Mr.Thrifty
model that sells for under $100.)

  ## ##  ##    ####      Michelle Edwards
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  ##  ##  ##  ##         "Leave a message at the beep."
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