The following query was put to readers of the CNI-Copyright listserv.  If
any museum-l readers can respond to it, will they kindly post their answers
to the museum-l list and to the original author: Michael Landau.

>----- Forwarded message (Michael Landau <[log in to unmask]>) -----<

A friend and colleague asked me a question  which I could not answer
regarding foreign copyright law the other day:

Is anyone out there familiar with any exemptions under either German
or French law that allow museums owning the tangible artwork to make
reproductions (posters, books, catalogues) without having to pay a
royalty to the copyright holder?  Also, is there a narrow exemption
for the catalogue that accompanies an exhibition, but nothing else?

I was not familiar with any such laws.  If any of you are, could you
please inform me.


Michael Landau
Georgia State University
College of Law
<[log in to unmask]>


Robert A. Baron
Museum Computer Consultant
P.O. Box 93, Larchmont N.Y. 10538
[log in to unmask]