>Date:    Thu, 20 Jun 1996 16:18:52 -0400
>From:    Andy Finch <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: NEH votes.
>1)  By a wide margin -- about 80 votes --  the House defeated the Shadegg
>amendment to cut NEH by a further $12 million.  They haven't voted on
>final passage of the interior appropriations bill yet, but we anticipate no
>more amendments on the cultural agencies.
>2)  In response to a question:
>Rep. Regula (chair of interior approps subcommittee) told the House that
>the committee intends to stand by the leadership agreement reached last
>year, which called for eliminating the NEA *after* FY 1997 and NEH after
>1998.  In order to actually eliminate the agency(ies), the House would
>have to so vote *next* year (regarding NEA) and the following year for
>NEH. In other words, it really doesn't matter very much what Mr. Regula
>says today, because the crux will be in the next Congress.
>Sorry for Beltway talk -- just yell if I am being unintelligible.
>Andy Finch
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>AAM Government Affairs

Thanks for keeping us updated, Andy.  This is my main source of information
regarding cultural funding debates in Washington, as our local paper
doesn't cover this issue very often.

Cris Wolf

Collections Manager
UIHC Medical Museum
8024A JCP/200 Hawkins Dr.
Iowa City, IA 52242
(319) 356-8475  FAX (319) 356-3862

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