I apologize for my belated response to this thread - I haven't had time to
check my mailbox daily...

This topic is right DOWN my alley!  I would be happy to make suggestions. I
am currently revising a rough draft of my thesis (for an MA in Museum
Studies). The thesis is basically a handbook for museum professionals who
want to make their museum web sites more accessible for people with
disabilities. I am in the midst of reorganizing my information - it would
focus on the importance of reaching people with disabilities who rarely come
to museums and how/why computers and Internet are important and even central
to their livelihood. Then I will discuss the various ways these people gain
access to computers (adaptive technology) and then access to the Internet.
After that, some problems that they encounter when trying to get information
from the Internet. Finally I will discuss the various typical features that
museum professionals put on their sites and how to make these features
accessible. It will include sample accessible sites currently on the web and
maybe a demo disk. I will also include graphics throughout the handbook.

Once you make your site accessible, then you may use the web access symbol
from NCAM/WGBH Boston (who started the design contest for the symbol). I
think they have to check your site before approving and giving permission to
use its symbol. I hope that the access symbol will not be overused just
because only a couple areas are accessible. The whole site needs to be made
accessible for people with WIDE range of disabilities.

I don't know when I will finish and have the thesis approved by several
people - just don't expect it before December '96! But I would be happy to
distribute it to some of you. I was told by someone that I can maybe have it
published - I have had several people expressed their interest in obtaining
copies.  Any idea how I would do this and not worry about expenses? I'm in
the midst of job hunting, so I am s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g my money out! (Let me
know if your museum has an opening!) Anyway, I hope you will make every
effort to make your museum site accessible. It's important to reach out to
diverse audiences! AAM Conference this year focused on "Opening Up and
Expanding the Possibilities." How right on!

If you have any specific questions about accessibility on your site - feel
free to contact me. I can either provide you information or refer you to
several computer accessibility experts.  Please send me email through
[log in to unmask]  -  not [log in to unmask]  as I get several mailing lists' letters
running into 90+ daily - your letter would get lost. So please use Knila
address to contact me.

Kristin Schumacher
Recently ex-graduate student in Museum Studies
(& looking for a job...)
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