Although I do work in a museum that has government ties your conversations promp
ted me to ask
about something along similar lines...

The museum I work in is in Australia, Victoria. We are managed by a government d
epartment who's
core business is not heritage.

There is nothing about being in the non-profit sector that states you cannot mak
e a profit but I
am very concerned when money appears to come before that which we were meant to
conserve. At the
same time we are operating under the `guise' of being a museum. I won't go into
gross detail but
changes have seen heritage trained staff conveniently disappear and proposed ser
ious unethical
use of the site and collection.

I would really like to hear from other people who find this scenario familiar an
d any suggestions
about addressing these issues would be appreciated.

PS. Our new Director Manager is instigating many `exciting' changes.

***Naturally, everything here is my opinion and not necessarily that of my emplo
yer or