We have been running a scheduling system for our education department on
a machine that has unceremoniously died.  The data for the last two months is

We were already planning to migrate to a new platform, system and structure
of scheduling in the near future, and this seems a fortuitous time to do so.
system that we were using was an in-house DOS-based system, and we are
looking for a commercial Mac-based system.

We need to be able to track tour topics and which docents are expert in which
topics, track the availability of docents, and schedule tours and school
outreach programs.  We also need to be able to generate forms for teachers to
request programs or tours, as well as to generate confirmation forms.  We also
need to capture statistics, maintain multiple mailing lists, and generate

If anyone has any suggestions, please contact me on or off list.

Thanks in advance,
Leslie Johnston
Stanford University Museum of Art
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