"Since I am new to CWAM, I was wondering if the issue of Diversity has
ever been discussed, either as a theme for annual meetings, or
elsewhere.  Have other museum associations that cater to small museums
addressed this issue?  Or has anyone else observed what I have?  I would
be interested to hear what anyone has to say on the issue."

Shannon Pelot Valerio

As a young afro-latina museum professional, I to noticed the lack of
diversity in the field.
In an effort to do something, I decided to join MAAM and I submitted a
proposal for a session for the annual meeting to discuss issues pertaining to
minority musuem professionals and lack of them.  To my delight this was an
issue the organization was thouroughly interested and supportive with.  So I
encourage you to take action with any issue you may have and participate in
your regional organization to foster changes in the field.

Vivian C.R. James
El Museo del Barrio