Anyone who owns tools, has a workshop, is teaching or taking a woodworking
course, or is an apprentice in a commercial workshop will find this
information useful.

Title:      Thompson's Woodworking Safety Handbook
Copyright:  1995
ISBN:       0-9699471-0-0
Author:     Roland Thompson
Retail:     $12.95 Can or $10.00 U.S.
Publisher:  Thompson's Safety Handbooks
Email:      [log in to unmask]
Phone:      403-439-5590
Address:    9124 - 66 Avenue
            Edmonton, Alberta
            Canada T6E 0L5

Now in its second edition, this is a comprehensive, one-stop resource for
information essential to workshop safety.  It is an 8 1/2 X 11 inch format
book,  coil-bound for convenience, and has 154 pages of text. It contains
approximately 100 illustrations and has an extensive index.  Topics are
introduced in the sequence in which they are most likely to be encountered
by the workshop user.  Topics covered include:

   -tool use and safety tips
   -what to look for when purchasing tools
   -personal protective equipment
   -toxic and dangerous substances
   -workshop design
   -much more!

For more info, E-mail me (Roland Thompson) [log in to unmask]
or visit our home page at