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The Conservation Center for Art and Historic Artifacts, the
regional conservation center in Philadelphia, is seeking an
individual to assist the Preservation Services Office in the
implementation of outreach programs and services.  Responsibilities
include conducting overview surveys of libraries, archives,
museums, and institutions with historic collections; conducting
educational programs and workshops; developing and managing the
reference collection; and developing technical information
materials on preservation topics for clients.

Requirements are:  MLS degree, an advanced degree with
concentration in preservation or conservation, or equivalent, plus
two years experience working in a library, archives, or museum; a
thorough understanding of preservation principles, practice and
issues; and excellent written, verbal, and interpersonal
communication skills.  Some travel is required.  Position available
in June 1996.  Salary is commensurate with experience.  Submit
letter of application, resume, and the names of three references to
Virgilia Rawnsley, Preservation Services Office, Conservation
Center for Art and Historic Artifacts, 264 South 23rd Street,
Philadelphia, PA  19103

TEL:  215/545-0613
FAX:  215/735-9313
Email:  [log in to unmask]