Greg:  Oooops!! How about non-profit, public, private,
adult, children, historical, art, technological, business,
corporation, living history, archealogoical, national park,
educational, film, media, natural science, holocaust,
Native American, federal, state, local, city and any
other type of museum I missed.

I'm doing a report, and realized that they are popping
up daily, and wanted to make as close as estimate as
possible.  Sorry about that, yes, there are many kinds
of museums, as the current conversation is going concerning
profit and not-forprofit musuems.

Take care.


nAt 07:23 PM 5/9/96 -0400, you wrote:
>John Martinson wrote:
>> A quick question.  I read that in 1984, there were
>> over 5,000 museums in America.  I believe, that
>> figure is somewhat outdated. Does anyone know how
>> many there are today
>Gee, what definition of Museum are we using?
>(Sorry...couldn't help myself) (:?)>
>Greg Stemm
>"With tongue planted firmly in cheek"
John Martinson                          [log in to unmask]
Work: Fort Walla Walla Museum           School: Norwich University (VT)
755 Myra Rd
Walla Walla, WA  99364                  (509) 525-7703 (Work)

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