
Awhile ago, you posted this:

At 09:36 PM 1/23/96 -0700, you wrote:
>Could someone please provide me with information about how to contact
>the Association for Living Historical Farms and Agricultural Museums?  I
>would appreciate an e-mail address, but anything will do!
>Thank you.
>Lori J. Shortreed
>Stony Plain Multicultural Heritage Centre

Would you be kind enough to forward to me information on the ASsociation? -
My foundation is developing a museum of pastoral art, to be loosely
connected with a major farm museum, and the information would be useful to me.




Mark Ast, Ph.D.
Museum & Library of Barbizon
        & Pre-Impressionist Art
The Schlesinger Foundation
email:  [log in to unmask]
snail:  P.O. Box 142
        Montgomery, NY 12549-0142