I am really pleased that the MCN Conference will be relatively close to home
this year.  I attempted to convice the board that I should go to Seattle
one year, Washington another year and was an utter failure at San Diego last
year.  I think the budget might be able to handle Ottawa this year!

I am Bill Smith at Huronia Museum and Huron Indian Village in Midland,
Ontario.  Situated on the southern shore of Georgian Bay our museum is a
standard regional history museum with an appended replica Huron Indian Village
representing the life of the Huron before European contact.

I am the Assistant Curator/Photographic Archivist and the lucky one to be in
charge of the museum computerization programme for collections management.  My
personal background is in professional commercial/industrial photography.  I was
educated at Brooks Institute of Photography in Santa Barbara, California (1972).

My particular interest is in the cataloguing of photographic images on the
database and the use of that database for research and the subsequent sale of
photographs for publication.  I am investigating ways to put our images on a
system to be available for remote access via the internet.

I am very interested in photographic restoration and conservation.  I now can
restore images photomechanically but want to move on to the newer frontiers of
digital enhancement.  Money, budgets and time are continual deterrents to
progress in some areas but we are progressing steadily forward in a effort to
catch up with technology.

I'm looking forward to meeting and sharing ideas with everyone.


Bill Smith