There certainly are a large number of institutions that have- or are in the
process of developing- websites. I am interested in learning more about the
relationship between the "virtual" and "physical" spaces not only in terms
of what materials are presented in each venue but, perhaps more importantly,
the consumers of that information.

Specifically, I  am curious about the distances involved in visits to each
type of environment as well as the intended purpose of the visit. I am
pleased to say that I will be exploring this relationship as the subject for
my dissertation as a Ph.D. student in Urban and Regional Science.

My research proposal has already been approved. I am currently working on
assembling the appropriate background literature as well as begining the
process of selecting sites for participation. Please contact me off-list for
additional information.

Steve Eichner
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"And now, I will tell you my secret, a very simple secret: the thing that is
most important cannot be seen. What is essential is invisible to the eye"-
Antoine du Saint-Exupery- The Little Prince

Steve Eichner, Graduate student, Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning
Texas A&M University