> I asked one our glass-authorithies, with no result for the first. We have
> a rather good library with European glass, but to look all through this
> stuff I'll need surely some hours. If theres no other help in sight mail
> me again, I'll can ask the next big brain on glass. There are enough
> glas-people in our scene, but you'll have to change the medium, using
> good old paper.
> Gerhard Dangel-Reese
> Augustinermuseum

I read the previous message very priefly and don't remember exactly,
which glass was on disscussion. As I remember quite modern. So you
can try search from Finland and Sweden. They have good glassmaking
from the beginning of 20-th. I am ready to answer on medieval glass
(14-16th century).
Aivar Reidla
Tartu Town Museum