>Just anecdotal evidence, but in our case a donation box does not work. We
>are a free University Museum and collect maybe $10-$15 per 10-week term in
>our donation box. Thank goodness the *box* was donated!
>Ivy Fleck Strickler

Maybe it's your donation box itself, or where you put it.  Years ago,
before we instituted an admissions policy (nobody complained!), we had a
donation box. We had different versions, the most successful being an
artist-designed piece with a faceted glass top that enable you to see the
money inside. After it was accidentally broken the artist created a new top
of stronger, opaque glass. Donations plummeted.  We replaced it with one in
which you could see the money again, and donations went back up.

John Vanco
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John Vanco
Erie Art Museum
411 State Street
Erie, PA 16501
Phone 814-459-5477
Fax 814-452-1744

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