MDA are currently doing a survey on UK use of terminology and thesauri,
with last entries due back on 1 May. If we come across anyone using
Chenhall, we will let you know.

In article <[log in to unmask]>, Vernon Systems Ltd
<[log in to unmask]> writes
>Can you let me know the name and email or fax number of any
>institution using AASLH's Revised Nomenclature (also known as
>CHENHALL) in the UK.
>Vernon Systems Ltd.                 "COLLECTION -
>P.O. Box 6909                        Is there really any better
>Auckland, New Zealand                Collection Management System?"
>Ph:    +(649) 302-3147
>Fax:   +(649) 302-3150
>Email: [log in to unmask]
>                 100033,673 (CompuServe)

  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 | David Dawson                      |
 | Outreach Manager                  |
 | Museum Documentation Association  |
 | 67 Spring Street                  |        Main Office:-
 | Chipping Norton                   |         347 Cherry Hinton Road
 | Oxfordshire                       |         Cambridge CB1 4DH UK
 | OX7 5NN                           |         tel: (+44) 1223 518126
 | tel 01698 655576                  |         fax: (+44) 1223 213575
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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