For your own sake, I hope you were kidding.  Or you're going to get some
irate responses from every female archaeologist and student on this list.

Not to mention how stupid and deluded you'd have to be to look for
romance on a dig.  Those of us who are attracted to archaeology are so for
the excitement that IS present, no matter how slow in coming it may be,
or how dull the work can be to get to that point.

On Fri, 19 Apr 1996, Richard Chute wrote:

> I wonder if "Indi" has any idea how sought after he is by women in museums?
> Perhaps lots of students are heading off to field work hoping for a
> romantic liaison rather than for the romance of breathing hot dust,
> painstakingly scaping away milimeters of dirt with their Marshalltown, and
> ending the day having "discovered" nothing more than a few pieces of
> chipped stone?
> Harrison, you lucky dog.
> Richard Chute ([log in to unmask])          Dir. of Corp. & Fndtn. Rel.
> Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden         1500 North College Ave.
> Claremont, CA 91711
> Phone:  (909) 625-8767, ext. 222        FAX:  (909) 626-7670