Edward Jay Pershey <[log in to unmask]> writes:
>A hearty cheer in agreement with Emily Van.

and Edward Jay Pershey.....

I have wondered since the first of the year if many of the folks on
the list didn't get what they wanted for Christmas!!  I know the first
weeks of a new year are often hard -- the let-down from the holidays,
the cold, gray weather and all that brings, but I really expected the
bickering to have faded by now.

I have gained some wonderful information from contributions to this
list.  I have laughed heartily at some of the faux-pas we (all) make,
the curious diversions from "museum" talk (s'mores, etc.), and though
my own contributions have been limited, I have felt that I could call
on ANYONE from this list (even conservators!!!) for friendly help and
advice.  This list is valuable to me, with all of it's idiosyncracies.
I think it is reflection of the wide variations in our field, and the
frustrations we might feel in belonging to such a widely-interpreted

THe sun came out in south-central Kentucky today, following what seems
like weeks of clouds, rain, and this week, MANY inches of snow!
Spring is just around the corner....the relevence of this news to
the group???  OUr museum comes alive in the spring, with school groups
(often too many), sheep and 19th century craftspeople (authentic?) and
 scores of visitors who know all about the "Quakers" come to see our
historic site.

Let's be careful out there.

Sharon Duane Koomler
Director of Education
Shaker Museum at South Union, KY
(502) 542-7734
e-mail [log in to unmask]

"The attainments of tomorrow are dependent on the efforts of today,
and are related to them as the blossom is to the bud,
and the fruit to the blossom."

                                  Eldress Catherine Allen, Mt. Lebanon