I never cease to be amazed at the unprofessional responses made to this
list.  Is no one allowed to make a mistake anymore?  It is far too easy, in
this medium, to disregard professional courtesy and opt for so-called
sarcasm/humor.  I, for one, hope this is not becoming a lasting trend.

Bill Stirrat

>"...just a topic for conservation and feed back."  "...no lectures about
>calling conservators."
>Assume the position and imagine the flame.
>"Consider the possibility," Jack said, with a tight grin, "that a
>misinformed curator, too cheap to call in a conservator, and too short of
>time to reference the literature may have over done some leather dressing
>and that what looks for all the world like white mold is fatty spue.
>"You could have removed the spue and reduced the reservoir of fat with a
>reasonably safe solvent such as VM&P naptha.  But, No!  You had to
>compound the problem with saddle soap!
>"One of these days, you should live so long, you'll learn that good
>advice, early on, is cheap at half the price.  However, given the way
>you're going now, you'll likely end up becoming a museum director."
>Jack C. Thompson
>Thompson Conservation Lab.
>Portland, OR
>[log in to unmask]
>[log in to unmask]
>On Thu, 14 Mar 1996 [log in to unmask] wrote:
>> We have in our collection leather bridles, halters, reins, saddles,
>> saddlebags and so forth that have a white "bloom," which I'm assuming is
>> mold. It wipes clean, and I've used basic saddle soap which also removes
>> the film. The items are stored in a climate controlled HVAC building, but
>> I'm wondering if there isn't enough air circulation. Has anyone else had
>> this problem?
>> Please, no lectures about calling conservators. This is just a topic for
>> conservation and feedback.
>> Thanks.

William H. Stirrat  (Bill)
Evaluator/Market Researcher              ? !
Our Minnesota Science Hall                  o
Science Museum of Minnesota          /( )\
30 East 10th Street                                    /\
St. Paul, MN  55101
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As always, opinions expressed are my own.