I have recently taken the catalogue for, "The West as America"
out of the library, but so far had only had a chance to
flick through the images.

To give me some context for when I actually get around to
looking at it in more detail...

Is this the exhibition that caused a minor brouhaha, or at
least was regarded as controversial?  (Or am I on the wrong track?)

If this is the contoversial show, would some kind North American
be so good as to give me a quick synopsis of the controversial
issues, reception etc?

Rather than bother the entire list with this topic, which no doubt
museum folk in the States have discussed in great detail,
reply to me directly - [log in to unmask]

(Oh and thanks for the new book notices Anita!)

Many thanks,   regards,  Lucy

Lucy Alcock
Ministry of Cultural Affairs, Box 5364, Wellington, New Zealand

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