Christine Castle wrote:

> Yes, I know I could hit 'delete' or 'save', but isn't there some other
> way that these thoughtful, lengthier pieces could be posted to another
> accessible site - perhaps a Web Page?

We have a section on artnetweb called READINGS for general writing that
would be of interest to artists. (It was called VIEWS but that confused
people who thought they would find visual material). I'd be happy to
create a Museum Writings section for some of those lengthy posts. My
only criteria is that they be edited and proofed and, if you want
special HTML formatting and links, they be included in the ascii text.
Graphics can also be included if they are ready to put up and linked to
the text. We're also experimenting with new formats like Shockwave,
Java, OpenDoc, Talker et al so we may be able to work together to create
a more complex project.

We are primarily a resource for artists but writings don't have to be
about traditional art subjects. Our target audience has a broad interest
in all cultural topics, including institutional critiques, history,
postmodern theory, recipes, travel journals, politics, religion . . .
whatever. But, please, no doctoral theses.

If you're interested drop me an email describing what you want to put
up. Please don't send anything without contacting me first, though. The
authors would retain the copyright to their texts and we would not
republish anything in another form without permission.

READINGS can be found at:

My email is:

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ROBBIN MURPHY, creative director, artnetweb
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426 Broome Street, NYC 10013  212 925-1885