I am writing a paper on how controlled vocabularies function in an
automated collections management system.  I work at the Detroit Institute
of Arts, which has used two different automated systems in the last
fifteen years and is about to upgrade to a newer version of our
collections management software.  We have had some experience using
controlled vocabularies in an automated environment, but I am very
interested in hearing from staff at other museums (and not necessarily
art museums) who have automated systems and use controlled vocabularies.

Among other things, I would like to know if you are using some of the
established vocabularies (AAT, Nomenclature, etc.) or have you created
your own vocabularies?

Are you happy with the results and do you believe tht the controlled
vocabularies have accomplished what you intended to accomplish, i.e.,
greater access to the objects in your collection, more precise use of
language, etc.

Have there been unexpected benefits or problems?

What do you wish you had known before starting the process?

Please contact me off-list at [log in to unmask]

Thank you for your help.

Roberta Frey Gilboe
Documentation Coordinator
Registrars Office
Detroit Institute of Arts
5200 Woodward Ave.
Detroit, MI 48202