I am responsible for "moving" some Asian artifacts from a private (and
somewhat well-known) collection into, hopefully, the hands of a museum
interested in purchasing them. Does anyone have any suggestions as to the
most appropriate and correct way of finding who might be interested in these
particular items without bothering everyone who is not??

I have researched for the last 3 months on the internet and although I have
learned a lot about both the pieces and the institutions, I still do not know
whether I am proceeding in an effective way?

The owner who  has many years of credible experience to support that he is
somewhat knowledgeable about these items,   has not had positive experiences
in his attempts to present these items.  (Although we have worked together on
private purchases and sales).

He was told by a museum almost the moment he pulled it out of a case that one
of his Greek pieces was a fake-- in a very reputable museum's office.
 Several days later he was  approached by the same individual at his home
requesting he sell to him personally.   He did not.

More recently, one of the prominent auction houses in London, (I am told they
have sold in the millions for him since the 1950s), had a series of
"misunderstandings" which resulted in close to 50% in overall costs from the
proceeds of the sale, and then rather than working with him on the problem
referred him to the legal department.

Needless to say,  I have for the moment, been blessed with the opportunity of
working with items I find stimulating and interesting, and if at all
possible, I'd like to continue . . . .

 Thanks for any suggestions, advice, or comments.  Best wishes.

Charissa Lee
71-550 Highway 111
Rancho Mirage, California 92270
619/568-3148 FAX
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