Dear Kathy:  The selection of an appropriate M.A. program really depends
on what career field you're interested in and how far you anticipate
advancing within that career path.  There are many different types of
positions within the museum and each has a specific set of requirements.
You should contact the American Association of Museums and request their
informational package on Careers in Museums.  At San Francisco State
University, our M.A. program in Museum Studies offers specializations in
exhibition design, museum education, museum management, collections
management/registration, as well as preparatory coursework to assist
students who want to enter conservation programs or Ph.D. programs.

Linda Ellis

On Sat, 2 Mar 1996, Kathleen R. Hertel wrote:

> Greetings,
> I am an undergraduate History major interested in entering a Museum Studies
> Graduate Program.  I have been reading this list for a few weeks now and I am
> wondering what everyone's thoughts are on the merit of Museum Studies Graduate
> Programs and which programs I should consider looking into, if any.  Feel free
> to respond to me personally or to the list with any information you think coul
> be helpful.
> Thanks in Advance,
> Kathy
> [log in to unmask]
> ____________________________________________________________________________
> Kathleen Hertel             [log in to unmask]                 Hiram College
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>    It was "the event which not only made the world rub its eyes and awake,
>    but woke it with a start...        To my mind the world of today awoke
>                             April 15, 1912."
>                                                 John B. "Jack" Thayer
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------