On Tue, 26 Mar 1996, Pamela Jean Warner wrote:

> In Elisabeth Fraser's last message, she mentioned that the curator for
> the Courbet Museum lives in Paris and is rarely on site.  I am planning a
> research trip to France this fall that will include time in Ornans.
> I would welcome any additional information about working at Ornans,
> including the name of this "turbo-conservateur" and an address where I
> could write her.  Thank you in advance for your help.
> Pamela Warner
> University of Delaware
> [log in to unmask]
The current conservator-director should be Jean-Jacques Fernier, son of
the original organizer of the museum, Robert Fernier, who also wrote the
catalogue raisonne of Courbet's work.  The only address I have for him is
at the museum itself:

        Musee Gustave Courbet
        Vallee de la Loue
        Ornans 25290


Perhaps calling the museum for further instructions about how to contact
Fernier would work the best.  Ornans, by the way, is a beautiful place,
built up directly on the river Loue (as in Venice).  The museum itself
has a surprisingly serious collection, with prints, manuscripts, letters,
and documents as well.  While you're there, don't miss a visit to the
Source of the Loue, oft depicted by Courbet, and a complete surprise: it
is monumental in size, and awesome, quite the opposite of the intimate
seeming, feminized nature presented in Courbet's small oils.

Elisabeth Fraser
University of South Florida, Tampa