Felicia's story reminded me in turn of the morning I went to a Pueblo near Santa
 Fe for a
corn dance.  I had been invited by a young man who lives there, and I was standi
ng at one
corner of the plaza, trying to figure out from his description where his relativ
es lived.  Two
elegantly dressed ladies in their late 50s came up to me and one asked me where
the pueblo
was.  I did a mental double-take and told them they were in it; this is the plaz
a at the
center.  They looked around, digesting my information, and then the same lady sa
id, "Oh,
no, this CAN'T be the pueblo!  See, over there there's modern doors, and see the
windows up there?"  I tried politely to explain to them that people lived in tho
se buildings
and had modern convenience, set atop foundations going back 800 years.  They pol
thanked me and wandered off, probably thinking I was deluded, searching for some
that fit their delusion.  It may be just as well; they would REALLY have been bl
own away
by the dancers in Taos Mocs and Nike sox!


Tom Vaughan            \_    Cultural
The Waggin' Tongue      \_    Resource
<[log in to unmask]>               \_    Management,
11795 Road 39.2                     \_    Interpretation,
Mancos, CO 81328  USA           \_    Planning, &
    (970) 533-1215                           \_    Training