Awald, John AgHerMus ([log in to unmask]) wrote:
: We've been working on our homepage which is part of our university's pages.
: The State Agricultural Heritage Museum, the South Dakota Art Museum, and our
: state gardens (McCrory Gardens) all have home pages.  The gardens have been
: "found" and are linked to other garden pages.  My question is how do we get
: our pages recognized and cross referenced by Netscape and Yahoo ??

Yahoo, Infoseek, etc. are all web sites themselves. If you visit such web
sites, you can fill out a web form to submit your web site address (URL)
and get listed in a week or two. You might also reciprocate links with
other web sites similar to your own.


        Infoseek (I think)

Hope this helps.

                                        Best Wishes,
                                        [log in to unmask]
        The Lost Museum of Sciences