I left Washington, D.C. in January, and I remember one of the last
Washington Posts (I REALLY MISS THAT NEWSPAPER!!!) had most of a front page
of their Style section dedicated to the squashing of the Freud exhibit based
on the ramblings of one man who claimed to be a Freud expert and debunker,
but who had no formal training (I don't think he even had a B.A. or college
background in anything). If I remember the story correctly, the whole
exhibit was being killed because Freud was wrong and how dare anyone base an
exhibit on anything or anyone who was so wrong that never in the history of
wrong-dom had anyone ever been so wrong (I think you get the drift).

I also remember this coming on the heels of another censorship scandal at
the Library of Congress over an exhibit entitled something like "Portraits
of the South: Pictures from behind the Big House" or some such thing. I
remember the people quoted in the, again, Washington Post article saying
they were offended at the title because the Library of Congress, in its
earlier days, was known as "the Big House" because of systematic
discrimination. My apologies if this has already been discussed.

Has there been more about the Freud exhibit? I'm now in the biggest little
town in America (El Paso - 515,000 people and a daily paper that barely
clears 15 pages!). I'd love to know if they decided to make the exhibit a go!

Amy Marshall