Only approximately 2% of the very substantial holdings of the Canadi=
an War
Museum (which include 3500 original works of war art), are on displa=
y at its
330 Sussex Drive location in Ottawa. The remainder, including a size=
collection of armoured fighting and other vehicles, artillery, texti=
les, etc.,
etc.) are housed in our collections and research facility (Vimy Hous=
e) on the
other side of the downtown core.

On our corporate open house days (in September) we have offered behi=
nd the
scenes tours at Vimy and they have been VERY well received - so much=
 so that,
starting in May of this year, we will open tours of "The Hidden Trea=
sures of
the Canadian War Museum" every weekend.

There are technical problems:

1. Do you let them in the war art vault? No; we don't have the space=
2. Do you let them in the small arms vault? Not bloody likely! For b=
oth war art
and small arms, we will use artifacts in cases and deactivated weapo=
ns they can
3. Wot about signage? Vimy House is a former street car garage and i=
t is NOT a
sterile environment; as my living history collection manager says, "=
Even when
you store 'em inside, they're practically OUTside!" Given this probl=
em, plus
the fact that we frequently do outdoor exhibitions, we are designing=
multi-purpose all-weather labels - and larger panels, describing thi=
ngs such as
the evolution of artillery, which can be used for a variety of purpo=
INCLUDING open house tours.
4. Prebook or meet them at the door? We will pre-book, to save on ex=
staff time.
5. Charge or free? We will charge - but we will probably offer packa=
ge deals on
visits to both CWM sites.
6. Use cases, etc.? We have to, given the nature of the artifacts an=
conditions in the garage area where we keep the large artifacts, to =
the appeal of the large artifacts. No, we have not yet designed a ca=
se of our
Centurian tank - 52 tons of steel and more steel!
7. what kind of guides? We will use our new CWM uniformed hosts to c=
traffic and our volunteers to actually conduct the tours.
8. What about limited washroom facilities? Porta-potties behind hess=
ian screens
should provide a military environment while catering to the creature=


Come see us. Find out exactly WHY the Soviet army only recruited tan=
k crews
BELOW a certain minimum height! (Mind the rough welded edge of the a=
mount on your way out.)

Harry Needham
Director, Programmes and Operations
Canadian War Museum
