
At 11:49 28/02/1996 -0500, you wrote:
>I need a contact at the Museums of Popular Arts and Traditions in Paris.
>I would appreciate any help in the way of e-mail addresses, fax numbers
>or names at this institution. I am trying to set up a tv program on
>French traditional crafts.
>Thank You
>Roy Underhill
   p_n__n__----- _______        Jean-Paul Viaud
  d ___--__| HH||       `---.   Musee Ferroviaire Canadi<n Railway Museum
  _T-------'___-|___________|   Delson/St-Constant (PQ)
 'o=o ()()()--'  o=o`---'o=o    Tel. (514)638-1522   Fax. (514) 638-1563
          - CP 999 -            e-mail: [log in to unmask]