You wrote: The Smithsonian has a series of "cash awards" for "sustained
superior formance, special act award and quality step award,"  Each of
these three cash increases has different rules and different
consequences but all are based on merit and reviewed against a
performance plan.  I have found them to be very useful both on my
ability to supervise, the internal company climate and loved being on
the receiving end.  They are clearly legal.
>My understanding is that the tax law does not permit bonuses to be
>to staff in nonprofit institutions, in fact, that is one of the
>distinguishing characterisitcs of nonprofits.  A bonus is technically
>share of the profits and in nonprofits, 'profits' revert to the
>institution. Judy Endelman, Henry Ford Museum &Greenfield Village
>On Thu, 22 Feb 1996, JKGee wrote:
>> Our institution, a major art museum in the midwest, is currently
>> undergoing reorganization.  As part of the change process teams have
>> been formed to look at staff issues.  My team is looking at
>> compensation, more specifically, bonuses and incentives . I have
>> monitoring this group for the last few monthes and found the
>> shared to be very valuable. Does anyone have experience with
>> bonuses(cash and non-cash rewards)? What kinds of bonuses do you
>> (if any)and/or what kinds of bonuses would you like to receive? Any
>> ideas would be appreciated.  Thank you in advance for your help!