I believe that the Massachusetts Library Authority has just
acquired a large number of dataloggers, which it will loan out
in-state. A caution, however: environmental monitoring is not a
"sometimes" thing: A program is continuous, theoretically
forever. Better to get your own. It's not like a floor sander,
which most people use only intermittently and occasionally.

According to Jack Thompson:
> I have a datalogger which I rent out for $25.00/wk.  The logger is a
> DataBear.  It is available with Mac software and a cable so that a person
> on site can download it to a Macintosh computer to read in real time, or
> after a period of time.
> Alternatively, the DataBear is returned to me and I download the data,
> print it out and return the printout.
> Analysis or interpretation of the data is extra.
> Jack C. Thompson
> Thompson Conservation Lab
> Portland, OR
> [log in to unmask]
> On Thu, 22 Feb 1996, ERIN E. GAMSE wrote:
> > Has anyone ever heard of renting a hygrothermograph?  If so is this
> > recommended?  Who rents them?
> > *****************************************************
> > * Erin E. Gamse                                     *
> > * Collections Manager                               *
> > * Dr. Samuel D. Harris National Museum of Dentistry *
> > * 666 West Baltimore Street, Rm.5-A-28              *
> > * Baltimore, MD  21201-1586                         *
> > * Voice: 410-706-8314  Fax: 410-706-8313            *
> > * E-Mail:  [log in to unmask]                *
> > *****************************************************
> >