On 2/21/96, Greg McManus wrote,
>I think the authors of these two postings expect us, as museum
>workers or people with more than a passing interest in museums, to empathise
>with their feelings at seeing such uncultured museum-visitor behaviour, and to
>nod in knowing agreement - "yes, isn't it terrible". Well I do not
>empathise with their feelings - as a museum worker I confess to being
>somewhat embarassed and exasperated by them......

>A rambling post I know - sorry - but the issue is a vital one
>(although not a new one) and the cultural arrogance that came through
>in the two postings referred to above really got my goat (to use a
>rather bizarre expression!) Please tell me if I'm out of
No I do not think you are out of line. In fact I totally agree. The best
example of culturally sensitve approaches has  to be the posting from the
history museum where they had the teddy bear that was loved to death. It
showed an attempt to educate without preaching.

And by the way I do enjoy answering messages from the future.

Tim Aydelott

Tim Aydelott
New Mexico Museum of Natural
History and Science
1801 Mountain Road NW
Albuquerque, NM  87104
(505)841-2866 FAX
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"...the only time my education was interrupted was when I was in school..."
                                                        -- G.B. Shaw