ICOM's document repositories on the Internet are currently being moved
from several sites to ICOM's new host platform. Every effort has been
made to retain the validity of previously published addresses for all
documents during this process.

An impending phase in the development of ICOM's network presence is the
establishment of mirror sites at several locations world-wide. This will
require the elimination of the intricate series of cross-references
which has been necessary to allow the documents to have multiple

Until further notice, the only reliable point of access to the document
repositories will be via the welcome page at ICOM's main site on the
World Wide Web:  http://www.icom.org/

E-mail based access to the repositories has been provided through the
LISTSERV installation at the Swedish Museum of Natural History. Although
this service will not be terminated until an equivalent service has been
established on the ICOM host, some documents may be unretrievable in
this manner during the transition. Similar conditions apply to FTP
access. Access via Gopher will be established on the new ICOM host only
if warranted by specific request.

The host sites maintained by individual ICOM Committees are not effected
by these developments.

The appropriate channel for any feedback about this matter is the ICOM-L
discussion list as described in the footer to this message.

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

     ICOM-L is a one-way distribution list used solely for
     official Discussion about the International Council of
     Museums and its activities. You are welcome and encouraged to
     submit any comments which you may have about this material to
     ICOM's public discussion list, ICOM-L. If you wish to subscribe
     to ICOM-L please send a message to [log in to unmask] containing
     the command:   SUBSCRIBE ICOM-L Yourfirstname Yourlastname
     ICOM's site on the World Wide Web is http://www.icom.org/

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