Elaines perspective is inclusive of the feeling of interactivity while
maintaining the importance of the museum to society as a special place of
cultural renewal and reference.  I have always understood within the
Native American community, a need for special places and structures. A
Hopi Kiva is both an elitist location within a pueblo and a community
center. A Kwakiutl Big House is both a community-gathering center and a
special location for renewing ties to history and clan inheritance.
Museums are one of the repositories of civilization and should always be
special in the elite way that a Navajo hogan can be during a ceremony. The
museum needs to be uplifting just as Native American ceremonial centers
are. The upliftment is for the community and Elaine's thoughts are a good
basis for approaching both the special aspect and the popular center that
a museum can represent.

Paul Apodaca
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