> snip...a salary like the 'generous' $15,000 until I am a full professor.  The
>situation in public institutions is not much better.  The grass is surely
>greener stateside,... snip<

$15,000 is not a living wage in Chicago and certainly not in the suburb I
inhabit. My rent alone for a small house (4 rooms, 2 of them bedrooms) is $850
per month. Lets see... that means I pay $11,050 per year just to provide a roof
over my head. I still have to pay to light and heat the structure, I need to
eat, and I need to buy the occasional article of clothing. Let's not forget the
"extras" like insurance on the contents of my house, a telephone, water bills,
garbage pick-up, getting to & from work, a means of mowing the lawn, seeds for
my garden, taxes...

Damn good thing I earn more than $15,000 and I do not have to support a child.

Oh, btw, I left archaeology to pursue a museum career. It pays better.

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